I should be studying. I mean literally. I study pretty much 4-5x per week a couple hours a day.
But that's not why I'm over it. I'm just over people. It's not secret to any of my *good* friends that I'm not a people person. Yea, I admit it, so what. I tend to not like people, write people off if they hurt me, write them off if they have no business about themselves or anything. To be quite honest, I enjoy my time alone. I'm ALWAYS on the go go go so it doesn't bother me to be by myself (I'm excluding the man here. I love him and love being around him no matter the mood).

That's Jordan. My baby. My spoiled rotten black lab who is now 1.6 years and about 80lbs. (this pic he is about 7 months here so he's a tad bigger and longer)
But seriously. As of late I have also been accused of leaving my dog outside to hang himself. Really? really? My backyard is all of 2ft long and 2 ft wide - exaggeration, but exceptionally small. Jordan couldn't even get a full run on if he wanted too without running into a fence. But yet and still me putting him out on his leash to roam his little area that he has leaves him depressed, in despair and at risk of hanging himself because he deserves better.
do you see my face?
God forbid I actually need to clean and move some crap around and put him outside to get fresh air...because you know he so untaken care of with that doggie daycare he goes too 2-3x a week and living inside my home spoiled rotten and having his grandma come steal him away on a regular basis because she loves him too. I mean he's so unkempt! Shame on me!
Then, in other little comments. Bursting my bubble. Really? really?
Is bursting MY bubble necessary? And people wonder why I chew them up and spit them out, write people off and not think twice. There are very few people that I can honestly deal with on a regular basis. And if you are one of them, consider yourself lucky. Yep. I'm sounding full of myself on purpose. Maybe I'm being moody, but yea. I'm gonna go with a no. Time is one of *the* most valuable things you can give a person. That's my opinion. And right now, my time is precious. If you even remotely read this, you know that.
Everyone else can suck it while I get mine. And then you'll be wishing I dealt with you.