yay! lookie what I'm purchasing tomorrow or tuesday! I'm sooooo excited. I've been wanting one for literally, about 2 years now. Now, I don't want one because I think it will be the be all end all to my weight complex. It's THE MAGIC PILL!!!. yea no. I'm not dumb. I want it because I need something:
- accessible that my schedule will allow
- incorporates tri training and half-marathon training
- allows me to walk if all else fails while watching tv
- won't allow me to get out of the summer blah's i.e. it's hot. i'm not running in the heat and i'm not going to the gym. EVERY summer i do that. no lie.
I'm so flipping excited. I've known I wanted to get this thing for MONTHS. MONTHS I tell you. Do I feel like it will be a tremendous asset? HELLS Yea! Oh and there is that half-marathon that I keep mentioning. This will allow me to complete my runs on MY schedule (which changes every 10 weeks) and allow me to prepare with no excuses. And it helps that I found a super duper light half-marathon training program. It has me running 4x per week I believe - but it progresses me so slowly I don't think it will scare me off. For the first few weeks my long runs are like 5, 6,7 miles tops. Plus, it's a 12 week program. BOO-YAH! So I figured if I started my *real* training December 1. THat gives me a solid 12 weeks to train. And my goal is to run an entire 10k then go to a run/walk at 10 and 2.
What do you professionals think? There are some of you who run lots. What do you think?
I've literally got to start ALL over again. As if I've never run a step. I've lost my base in everything.
p.s. I stepped on the scale. ohhhh it wasn't pretty. nope. not as scary as I thought but not pretty. but what's even more annoying, it's like my skin is hurting from stretching. NOT.A.GOOD.SIGN.p.p.s. on the upside I DID organize a lil!!! I cleaned my mantel and all of my kitchen! including cleaning out the scary dirty fridge :::shudder::: *thanks mom for helping* next up, taking all papers to work for shredding! I'm feeling a bit relieved.
Good for you! I can't wait to have a place big enough to put a treadmill. Maybe in a couple of months!