Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Hey there. I suck at updating this. My goal is to do it every 2-3 days. So if you don't mind no pictures I can do that from my phone. Speak now or forever hold your peace. or get the hell out. makes me no mind.

And yes, I will acknowledge that I am sucking every so often so deal with that.

As the year goes on, I'm acknowledging that my patients for people is wearing thin. I'm working on that. But people never cease to amaze me in their awesomeness.

Where the hell do people come off questioning my relationship with my man?! um HELLLOOO. it's *my* flipping relationship. Now I'm not going to get too personal on here because I vowed that I would keep him out of this. But dammit that shit pisses me off. And by people who a. have had failed marriages or b. don't have a man at all?!! what.the.hell.

do you see my face? seriously. do you see it?

I know exactly what kind of relationship I'm in, how long I've been in it, what we go through etc. Hell. half the battle is realizing that we are dating ONLY each other and not the masses who love to dictate how our relationship should be or what we should do or my favorite...what i should allow. What the hell? That's the problem with relationships today. People always saying so fast what they should and should not do per the request of some lameass friend in a failing relationship single hood living life. kiss my ass.

When we do what we do. You'll be the last to let you know.

on the other hand, I fully acknowledge that 5 bags of m&m's (halloween style) does not consititute as dinner 2 nights in a row and I might as well plant the sugar/fat on that thing that is spreading below my back. channel ING. CHANNEL ING....

just sayin.


  1. You know what's funny? I CAN see your face. It made me laugh even though you're being serious.

    Fuck those people. Ugh. Suckas.

  2. Hey Latrina! Why did I not know that the Latrina that has been commenting on Alicia's blog is you?!!!! I'm so excited, I have something new to read!!!
