Sunday, August 23, 2009

_______ is made in the kitchen

For some reason I have heard this about 34092839483 times this sunday alone. I've been watching tv, of course a lot healthy lifestyle related purely because that's the kind of stuff that I love, but still. Literally 30238403948 times. It's been some variation of:
  • ______ is made in the kitchen
  • "I realize that most of it is diet"
  • high protein, low carb and low to no sugar diet
  • 80% diet and 20% exercise

Seriously. Is God trying to give me a sign? I know that for years I have tried to workout myself thin. I know it sounds insane. No wait. It doesn't sound insane. This is what people do all the time. This is what *I* do all the time. I will jump in with both feet working out too hard only to burnout then repeat. All the while I'm only halfass cleaning up my diet.

Well, it seems that this time I *may* be on the verge of a breakthrough. I'm realizing that maybe, just maybe, it *is* the food. Or maybe it's the fact that I've heard it 32843040 million times today. Whatever it is I'm just going to continue to roll with it. Because I don't want anymore rolls. ha! I slay me with my funnies. Anyhow, I've got to cook tomorrow and take care of the scary court issue that I have arising. And I am announcing it now, I will have a piece of cake on tuesday. I'm celebrating my teammates passing of a new state certification. I'm letting all you quiet lurkers know (because I know you are out there) I will not let this one piece of cake derail my plans.But other than that, I will continue making my body in the kitchen. Quite honestly I feel "ok". I don't feel great but I definetly don't feel bad. I feel like I'm actually going through the detox process if that makes any kind of sense.

With dinner done and my popsicle (that I have not lost), sitting next to me. I'm going to end my thoughts and continue being conciously aware that I have to make my new body in the kitchen.


  1. Girlfriend, we are on the same wavelength. I've tried to exercise it off for years. I need to finally take a look at the food and do it. I'm right there with you!

  2. Ha! I always justify eating more by "well, I just worked out so I *need* to eat these 2 extra slices of bread with Smart Balance." Stupid Weight Watchers taught me that trick. It doesn't work. And then I wonder why the scale doesn't move.
